Finding a peaceful way forward, with support at your side.

Utilizing a Parenting Coordinator can be helpful in assisting parents in managing the myriad co-parenting issues that arise after separation or divorce. A Parenting Coordinator is a neutral professional (usually a family law attorney or mental health expert) who is retained by the parties privately or appointed by a court to assist parties in implementing parenting time plans or facilitating the resolution of day-to-day parenting issues when the parties’ cannot resolve them on their own. These can be issues such as the the time and place of pick-up and drop-off of children, childcare arrangements, minor or temporary adjustments to parenting time schedules, dates for summer vacation, selection and scheduling of activities for the child, referrals to other professionals to improve family functioning, and clarification of provisions in parenting plans.

Some of the Many Benefits of the Use of a Parenting Coordinator are:

  1. Reduced Court Involvement: Parenting Coordination aims to keep families out of courtrooms.

  2. Timely Conflict Resolution: Issues can be promptly addressed with a parent coordinator.

  3. Child-Centric Decision-Making: The core philosophy of parenting coordination is the best interests of the child.

  4. Customized Solutions: A parenting coordinator can assist in working closely with parents to address specific challenges.

  5. Long-Term Relationship Building: Beyond resolving immediate issues, parenting coordination encourages the development of effective communication skills between co-parents.

    Georgia Fraser, Esq. is certified with the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts to act as a Parenting Coordinator. She is also on the New Jersey Judiciary Roster of Statewide Approved Parenting Coordinators. Interested in finding out more about Parent Coordination? Contact us online or call us today to schedule a consultation with an experienced family law attorney and certified parenting coordinator.